☘ Triggers and Discomforts


> the STARDEW's file

🌱 Triggers

Hitting/punching, bruises, yelling, loud banging, fake claiming/reality checking, manipulation/gaslighting, heavy gore and nsfw, those uncle jokes, christiananity, self harm, suicide, eating disorders, abuse/neglect, Implied suffocation, Hospitals/doctors office, Needles/syringes, Touching/pulling at skin, traumacore/nostalgiacore, NSFW images, Pedophilia, Harming comforts, misgendering trans alters, sexualizing us or the body, slamming doors, lock noises, Sayoris death, Ibukis death, depictions of hanging, wlm tenko/mlw komaeda, grooming, loud noises, yelling, being rude to our fp, seperating us from our d/as or our sources (if were close with them), kinning our friends/sourcemates /srs, pretending to be mad at us, long silences, asking about out trauma, the name amanda, saying you know something about us thats private, guns, doxxing, TOH hiatus, car crashes, The ending of The Walten files

🔮 Discomforts (Squicks highlighted)

Any of our friends or sysmates deaths, forgetting things/being forgotten, Jasper (us), drug abuse, C!wilbur and C!dream, LGBTQphobia, large fires, Sal being shipped with Larry, confessing romantic love to Celeste, claustrophobic areas, Marshal being shipped with Fiona, Tsukasa (TBHK), spiders/bugs, fetishization of lgbtq relationships, romanticizing mental illness/self-harm/suicide/disabilities, Calling Edgar doll or perfect, school, vomit and gagging noises, claiming to be any of us, kinnies (the ones that use psychotic and system terms and treat it like they're [x] character IRL), teeth, disagreeing with us /srs, ignoring us, calling us selfish, not taking care of littles correctly, fakeclaiming us with the intention of a joke (its not funny.), Neurotypical cishets /srs, Felix from the Walten files

( Made with Carrd )